Retrospective of the day
Here are the questions we asked to ourselves after the end of the day:
- What did you enjoy the most today?
- What would you like to change tomorrow?
- Is there something slowing you down?
- we did quite a few things (+1)
- I’m very excited the website is being completely renovated
- I appreciate Thomas skills in building the website quickly (+1)
- we chose to divide and conquer to get stuff done
- I enjoyed wrangling with words
- it’s the final countdooooown (it’s thrilling)
- I’m going to be proud to show our work to the ODI (+1)
- enjoyed to have ready made sketches to build the website
- enjoyed the quality of the conversation with the Bordeaux councilor as it translates into a proper public service
- Happy that we have a paper version of the survey on par with what we have online (+1)
- Happy to discover some initiatives that Paul-Marie (from LSE) gave us. They really align with our goals - open design etc. (+1)
- I enjoyed doing a half-day
To change
- go to a more quiet space
Slowing me down
- not enough time
- being slower than I thought on some things