Here are the questions we asked to ourselves after the end of the day:

  1. What did you enjoy the most today?
  2. What would you like to change tomorrow?
  3. Is there something slowing you down?


  • I liked discovering (and understanding) the Bordeaux ward diagnosis (+1)
  • The sunshine (+1)
  • The burrito (+2)
  • Outlining the objectives for Friday catch-up at the ODI (+1)
  • Having a chat with Tom Hunter to clarify the project output (+1)
  • Going to the Barbican (+1)
  • Working in socks 👟
  • Significantly adding to the website with the rich content we have.
  • Emailing to thank the people who gave us their time and keep them in the loop (+2)
  • Discovering the Impact Hub
  • Witnessing the dwindling ‘to do’ pile
  • Enjoyed remodelling the website super easily thanks to the system we adopted. It supports the work we produce well.

To change

  • I need to make something, more making
  • I still struggle to understand when something is not optimal for me and share it with others (clear reasons, I feel I’m fuzzy in communications)

Slowing me down

  • Maybe mild panic (but well, it’s less than yesterday)
  • I feel I struggled to express I wanted to work on the report–I feel comfortable writing and am excited to share it back as a valuable ressource.
  • Had less energy today
  • Admin and communication work in the morning tends to slow me down.