Public Finance Transparency
🙌 A project conducted with
Département de la Gironde.
👀 Additional Resources
• GitHub
• Website
🗣 Our value proposition •
Provide a lean and empowering access of the public budget to citizens and local administration.
About Public Finance Transparency
We design and develop open source software and graphic materials for the Gironde county in order to illustrate their annual budget and financial report.
The aim is to deliver a reusable and editorialised datavisualisation based on an open dataset.
Public Budget Parser
French counties publish their annual budget and financial report under the M52 standard. We designed it to be a standalone NodeJS and JavaScript library.
We use the M52 library to validate, to lint and to help the department of finance to improve the quality of the dataset.
Editorial Focus
We organise user testing sessions to get an understanding of possible audience expectations and to validate a few hypothesis.
We facilitate focus groups with county agents to reflect their mission and financial report in order to match user expectations.
Datavisualisation Components
We use React and the Redux pattern to drive the user interface with data and user interactions.
Editorial content is managed with a collaborative spreadsheet which becomes a datasource of the React application.